Adam thinks sugar daddy is too sweet a pie (chapter LIII)

Opera 1

Two months later, I was back in the capital city of this southeastern Asian country. Only this time I was not alone but with May Linh and Lily who both had agreed to the working contract I had imagined for them so they’d be living with me in the nude. Which was swell in my recluse house by the ocean.

Presently I had made a reservation in a very nice hotel and we were spending three days together downtown. I had paid them their salary of 2.000 coppers a month before we left home and Saturday, after lunch, May Linh and Lily went by themselves, the two of them, doing some shopping I guess. So I found myself alone in the hotel room, it was too early for me to start drinking so I turned on the TV. CNN! Massacres all over the world. I had forgotten. So I switched channels until I found a documentary.

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His place cleaned up, Adam is ready to start over (chapter LIV)

Water snakes 1

It was clearly stated in the contract that the women living in the nude with old Mr. Me in my remote place by the beach in this southeastern Asian country had two days off a week, just like in any work contract. What I didn’t anticipated was that May Linh and Lily, who were now sharing my home, would take their days off all at once and, every three weeks, be away for a week.

It felt so weird to be home alone, the house seemed so big, huge! May Linh and Lily were now away for a week and I had been gone for four days. The construction workers repairing the typhoon’s damages had worked well in our absence and they were almost done. The guest-house was like new, the dirt road was like new, the jungle was like new, the beach was like new, they were just finishing the last details.

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Adam asks himself why the train whistled three times (chapter LV)

Three women

Old Mr. Me was kind of happy with himself. The contract I had devised to allow Asian women to live in the nude with me in my house by the beach seemed to work. Proof is, today, a Sunday, was the day when May Linh and Lily were coming back. So I cleaned the house real nice before going to pick them up at the train station for the 3:45 pm train, a 35 miles ride.

On the way, I heard that really sweet woman voice on the radio, again. I took it as a good sign. But then it got me thinking: fuck, the last and only time I had heard that voice before, I was going to pick up one woman and there were two waiting; today I hear that voice again as I’m on my way to pick up two women already! So what now? Will there be three of them!!! I laughed alone. “Sure, why not,” I said to myself, not believing it for a second.

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Routine, Adam says, can also mean lovely days (Chapter LVI)


Yes, old Mr. Me had drawn a contract and yes May Linh and Lily were working for me in my secluded home by the ocean in this southeastern Asian country. Working meaning living in the nude around me and agreeing to be fondled once in a while. That’s what the contract stated. And it seemed simple enough. Little did I foresee the power of routine.

It is funny indeed how routine comes and catches up with you. See the backgammon for example. I had taught Lily how to play backgammon while we were in the guest-house waiting for Armageddon. She liked it. Not only that but she’s a natural player. So, in my house by the beach, where, everything considered, there wasn’t much to do, Lily and I got into playing backgammon every day. I mean playing, to win.

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Lily’s got an itch, Adam and May Linh are scratching (chapter LVII)

Goosebumps 6

“Lily, what is it that May Linh and old Mr. Me can do for you?” I asked. Indeed, since agreeing to my contract, which stipulated that, for a very good salary, she’d be living in the nude with me, Lily had given May Linh and I a lot more than what I ever expected or imagined. And she wasn’t ever asking anything for herself. She was a giver. Yet there had to be something WE could give her. And there was one thing.

“Well”, Lily said, “there’s that show that comes on every day at five, it’s called Married with children.”

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